ratgdo (Standard Edition)
A plugin for PG3/PG3x that allows IoX to access and control the functions of Liftmaster and Chamberlain garage door
openers (GDOs) as well as basic support for other brands which use dry contacts to control the door. See https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/ for general information
on the ratgdo device, ordering, flashing, installation, and configuration instructions. For support and feedback on
the plugin itself, please use the UD Forums here.
Instructions for use:
- Make sure each ratgdo device is flashed with ESPHome firmware (see https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/flash.html),
are connected to your LAN (Wifi), and are online.
- From the Polyglot V3 Dashboard, install the ratgdo Standard edition plugin from the Plugins Store.
- Once the plugin is running, click the "Discover" button in the Polyglot V3
Dashboard for the plugin to discover and load nodes for the garage door openers with connected ratgdo devices.
Notes for latest version (v4.0.8):
- The Standard edition of the plugin uses a completely different conenction method (ESPHome REST/event stream API)
to communicate with ratgdo devices. Your nodes from the Free edition MQTT-based plugin will not work and new
nodes with new node addresses will be created. You will need to delete the old nodes and update any programs
in IoX after upgrading to the Standard edition.
- The plugin utilizes mDNS service disovery to discover the ratgdo devices on the LAN. If a GDO device cannot
respond to broadcasts, e.g., is on a different LAN segment or network, then you can add a Custom Configuration
Parameter for each such device before performing the Discovery process to force the plugin to connect to the
devices. Add a Custom Configuration Parameter with a key of "gdodevice" and a value of
"<host>;<devicename>" for the ratgdo device, e.g.,
"ratgdov25i-fc64f3.local;ratgdov25i-fc64f3" or ";ratgdov25i-618d30".
Additional Custom Configuration Parameters can be specified for additional devicecs with key values of
"gdodevice" with an index, e.g., "gdodevice0", "gdodevice1", etc. NOTE: the
"devicename" is utilized to generate the node address and a specific value should be consistently
used for each device, e.g., the name of the device with periods removed and space replaced with dash, in order
to prevent subsequent Discovery processes from generating duplicate nodes with different addresses.
- The plugin checks the connections to the ratgdo devices on each shortpoll and will reconnect a dropped
connection. The default shortpoll interval is 30 seconds, and should not be adjusted to a shorter interval
in order to provide the necessary time for the plugin to detect dropped connections and fully reconnect.
- The Door nodes generate "Open" (DON) commands when the door status changes from "Closed"
to "Open" or "Opening", and "Close" (DOF) commands when the status changes from
anything to "Closed." The Light nodes similarly generate "On" (DON) and "Off"
(DOF) commands when the light status switches to "On" or "Off," respectively. These
commands are only generated if the status change results from an external control signal (i.e., not a command
from IoX through the plugin).
- The Motion node generates a "Motion" (DON) command when motion is detected. The "Motion"
state is also changed to "Detected". No associated DOF command is generated when the
"Motion" state returns to "Clear".
- The Discovery process causes the plugin to pause for 12 seconds in order for mDNS Service messages to be
returned and it may take another several seconds to create the nodes and process the initial state values
for the discovered ratgdo devices. Accordingly, after you click the "Discover" button, please wait
15+ seconds for the nodes to show up in IoX and for the initial state values to be reflected before trying
again or logging an error.
- The "Remote Lock " state and "Lock" and "Unlock" buttons should work for
Security + 1.0 and 2.0 doors but will not function for devices operating in "dry contact" mode.
- Sending a command, e.g., "Stop" or "Toggle", when the door is moving currently causes
inconsistent door status in devices operating in "dry contact" mode since the door state is only
estimated from each command until a limit switch is triggered.
Version history:
4.0.8 - ESPHome Firmware Support (2024-06-14)
- Refactored node definitions to have a parent GDO node
- Now utilizes REST/Event Stream interface of ESPHome firmware
v3.2.5 - New Features (2024-01-31)
- GDO nodes have motion state
- GDO nodes send DON3 ("Motion") command on motion "events"
- GDO motion state set to clear 60 seconds after last motion event
- Names added to driver list (in PG3 dashboard)
- Light nodes now child nodes of GDO nodes
v3.1.4 - Upgrades (2024-01-05)
- discovered devices subscribe to own topics eliminating some configuration
- GDO and Light nodes send DON and DOF commands in response to status change
- completed implementation of support for alternative MQTT brokers
v3.0.2 - Bug Fixes (2023-12-20)
- bug fixes from initial field testing
- changed door state driver to index w/ text labels
v3.0.1 - Pre-release (2023-12-19)